The cuckoo has arrived, spring is definitely here... Laura 😊
News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France.
Saturday, 31 March 2018
Friday, 30 March 2018
Tonight at Caylus
Conférence « Alternatives
aux pesticides »
Vendredi 30 mars 2018, 17h à
la Maison du Patrimoine - Caylus
Vendredi 30 mars à partir de 17h : La conférence
"Alternatives aux pesticides"
La conférence est animée par
Edmond Puyraud. Riche de nombreuses années d’expériences du jardinage, il fonde
l'association "l'Ecojardin des Roches" en 2005. Il écrit plusieurs
ouvrages : "Equilibre naturel au jardin : Méthode destinée aux Jardiniers
Amateurs » et "Alternatives aux produits phyto, pour une terre en pleine
Edmond nous parlera de son
nouvel ouvrage "Les parasites des légumes", il sera question des
alternatives pour lutter contre les ravageurs au potager et au verger.
Nous évoquerons les méthodes de luttes préventives et curatives.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
French waiters rude? Surely not..
A waiter in a Canadian restaurant is trying to sue his employer for dismissing him for "aggressive and bullying behaviour". His defence was that it ignored his cultural heritage, being French. A few years ago the mairie of Paris mounted a campaign with the capital's waiters, taxi drivers and other service workers to be more polite to visitors. We think we all have an idea that the French notion of service does not always chime with our Anglo Saxon ideas, but surely it's not a cultural thing?
Taglines's bete noir is the check-out person who continues to chat with his/her friends ignoring the building queue. Any readers' experiences?
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Taglines's bete noir is the check-out person who continues to chat with his/her friends ignoring the building queue. Any readers' experiences?
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2018 Season under way at FET
Dear FET Friends,
Our 2018 season gets under way on Saturday 21st April at 7pm with a double bill of two short plays with twin themes of love and war...
In the first half, Kate Cook presents Invisible Woman, a thrilling tale of derring do in WWII. Repressed housewife Mrs Bishop is just the person to help the French Resistance - but who is this mysterious lady and will her true identity be revealed? A story-telling tour-de-force, this is a funny and touching portrayal of one woman's journey into freedom and adventure.
After the interval, we meet another feisty heroine in Miss Wilson's Waterloo. Performed by Karen Archer and Martin Wimbush, this is a fascinating portrayal of Harriette Wilson. Born in London as one of 15 children of an immigrant Swiss tradesman, she became one of the most celebrated courtesans of her day. Her conquests included several prime ministers, at least one member of the royal family and, most famously, Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington.
The bar will open at 6pm and the performance starts at 7pm.
To book your tickets, please email:
Members €25 Non-Members €30
NB: your reservation will only be confirmed on receipt of your cheque
Members €25 Non-Members €30
NB: your reservation will only be confirmed on receipt of your cheque
Le Colombier Theatre
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Years of fun for the children at Laguepie
Over the summers ouryoungsters and many others have enjoyed this games area at Laguepie.
This year the river has seriously undermined the site and one wonders if we are now seeing the demise of the area.
I hope Laguepie can find the funds to repair or replace.
The Friperie in Varen will be open on Friday afternoon for deliveries and on Saturday for sales
The Varen Friperie will be open Friday afternoon 3 till 5, we will be setting up and accepting donations to sell.
Saturday we will be open from 10 till 12
Hope we will see lots of you there to enjoy the Frip and the excellent Varen market.
The book swap will be Easter Monday
The book swap will be going forward on Easter Monday starting at 10.30 and finishing at 11.30
A completely new set of books coming. I mention sets as there are many sets of our favourite authors amongst them, all in pristine condition.
As I have quite a lot to come I may split them between this swap and the next one.
Looking forward to seeing you there, the Gazpacho in St. Antonin
At the chateau at Penne
Many years ago we sat having lunch out next to an elderly couple who told us there son and family had bought the chateau at Penne and the family were in the process of making it safe. We thought we recalled it had been sold for a euros as long as it was made safe and restored. Any one got any more information about this?
And this link is sent
Hi Val
I was about to send some information about the young architect who acquired the château but I see the info has already been posted on your FB page.
Here is an interesting drone film of it from last year.
Best to you both
Un hiver avec les garçons
If you have not seen the film of our first boys arrival here at St. Antonin, here is an opportunity.
Venez le 6 Avril à cette belle soirée.
Quatre bonnes raisons de venir :
Découvrir, pour certains, le magnifique cinéma théâtre de Caussade,
Passer une soirée originale avec deux films et un pot
Soutenir l’association “et puis d’ailleurs”
Enfin, me faire plaisir en venant voir ou revoir le film “un hiver avec les garçons “ qui m’a tant occupé cette dernière année.
Inscrivez-vous à l’avance, je suppose que cela doit être plus pratique pour commander le petit buffet en quantité suffisante! Et faites passer l’info!
Merci, à bientôt.
Cécile Iordanoff/ Davaï
Auteur-Réalisatrice de films et documentaire TV
Tél: 05 63 65 70 48 / 06 08 42 24 79
Quatre bonnes raisons de venir :
Découvrir, pour certains, le magnifique cinéma théâtre de Caussade,
Passer une soirée originale avec deux films et un pot
Soutenir l’association “et puis d’ailleurs”
Enfin, me faire plaisir en venant voir ou revoir le film “un hiver avec les garçons “ qui m’a tant occupé cette dernière année.
Inscrivez-vous à l’avance, je suppose que cela doit être plus pratique pour commander le petit buffet en quantité suffisante! Et faites passer l’info!
Merci, à bientôt.
Cécile Iordanoff/ Davaï
Auteur-Réalisatrice de films et documentaire TV
Tél: 05 63 65 70 48 / 06 08 42 24 79
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Sign against the proposed new asylum laws
Anyone need my services?
Rather a glum looking rabbit but made both Malc and I smile. Sent by a good friend.
Monday, 26 March 2018
Kestrel news
We have phoned Regis of the local LPO and he is coming to take it first to the vets at Cordes to get it checked and then onto a LPO centre for recovery. I will ask when fit to be returned here to meet its mate again.
On last looking it had moved towards the cat food and I think was eating.
Did it hit the window?
Having caught the kestrel and put it in the cat box, it is still alive this morning, but is lopsided and not looking good.
As told by an expert I have put in water and cat food and will see what develops.
Sadly one of the boys came to help with a bit of gardening and as I asked cut back the gardens buddleia bushes. As one is directly on the birds flight path to and from the nest it could have disorientated the bird which has then flown into the window.
Motley gone but still have bed
Dear Val,
When you have a moment please advise Taglines readers that Motley has found a good home –thanks to you. I’m getting more offers!
Also –STILL available. Standard double bed with removable legs for ease of transport . (box spring base will fold). HYPNOS mattress.
Fingers crossed for the kestrel.Big hugs to you and Malc.
and love, Sally.
Sunday, 25 March 2018
Oh! No, kestrel down
I wonder how much sadness one can take.
One of our beautiful kestrels about to mate has damaged its wing.
It will have no chance of survival.
Malc suggested I caught it and took it to the vet, but it is Sunday and to be honest after a really full busy day I am
too tired to try to catch it
Probably our last falcon babies at Mas del Sol... so sad.
After having a rest, I donned strong gloves, caught it and put it in a cat box near the nesting site. We will see what tomorrow brings.
After having a rest, I donned strong gloves, caught it and put it in a cat box near the nesting site. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
Not a lot of people know this !
Here we have friend and fellow bureau member Veronique holding up a poster of Einstein at our friperie in Varen.
Which brought us to discuss that Stephen Hawking died on March 14.... and Einstein was born on March 14.Admittedly one in 1879 and the other in 2018.
A photo of our friperie brings me nicely round to telling you that next Friday we will be at the old mairie in Varen from 3 till 5 pm taking in donations.
if you have things that you think we can sell to make a profit for charity please consider bringing things. It could be an Easter good will gesture to others.
We will be open Saturday as we have been for the last month and we reckon it being Easter we and the market could be busy.
I am hoping for dry weather to get some of the larger items out in front of the town hall.
Don't forget: Spring forward
Tonight is when we need to advance our clocks by one hour, losing an hour's sleep. But the days will be lighter in the evenings, a little reminder that spring is on the way.
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Sad news from Carcassonne this morning
Friday, 23 March 2018
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Train strikes in April
Dear Val and TAG readers,
There are several days out when there will be no trains next month. I have to fly to London from Toulouse on 8th April. That is one of the strike days. I wonder if any people out there are in the same boat and would share a car that morning for the journey to Blagnac? I will be trying to get there from Najac.
Best wishes to all
All good news
Pleased to report Malc who is now fast asleep in bed was up to going out for lunch. As in the past Thursday lunch was always at the Seye et Vous at Verfeil.
I drove him to the door and he walked on the flat straight in.
Great meal and we met Rahim from Afghanistan who came to join us. He was so relieved to see Malc and then told us he had a 6 month gardening job, great news Rahim.
Besha from Sudan has been up in Paris having his interview for asylum and we all have fingers crossed for Besha.
Both Rahim and Besha are exceptionally good cooks and we look forward to them cooking for us again soon.
Sandy Simpson soon to be new owners of the donkeys has found a carrier. It is the day Malc goes early for his second chemo to Albi. I will be useless and tearful so we need a strong pair of hands to help the carrier hold the donkeys lead whilst he loads one and then the other.
The time is 9 am on Tuesday 3 rd of April.
Any offers?
The second request is there anyone who could go and check if the Gazpacho is open Easter Monday the 2nd as it should be the book swap and before organising I need to check it is open.
Malc is asleep and snoring and I may just join him.
Day of action
Today, Thursday 22nd March is the latest "day of action" by public service workers throughout France in protest against President Macron's proposed sweeping changes to their status. Schools, trains, flights, government offices will all be affected. Last year we had similar protests against Hollande's labour changes, but either the public wants the changes (hence Macron's victory) or many were fooled into thinking that he would go the way of his predecessors and back down.
The planned rail strikes (three days on, two days off) starting next month are a separate action and could last for several months.
There is a lot of media talk about "May 1968" as the 50th anniversary of the student unrest of that time, leading to many far reaching changes, approaches. We have heard that the student protests at Toulouse University have support from some left leaning politicians, but the "soixante huiteurs" had a charismatic leader, Danny le Rouge (Cohn Bendit) and somehow Melenchon does not fit that profile. But throwing a pavé into the mix is a tradition now and we can expect a few more weeks of disruption.
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The planned rail strikes (three days on, two days off) starting next month are a separate action and could last for several months.
There is a lot of media talk about "May 1968" as the 50th anniversary of the student unrest of that time, leading to many far reaching changes, approaches. We have heard that the student protests at Toulouse University have support from some left leaning politicians, but the "soixante huiteurs" had a charismatic leader, Danny le Rouge (Cohn Bendit) and somehow Melenchon does not fit that profile. But throwing a pavé into the mix is a tradition now and we can expect a few more weeks of disruption.
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McDo outstrips the ham sandwich
Apparently France's favourite snack has traditionally been the "baguette jambon beurre", the croque monsieur appealing only to time strapped tourists on the Champs Elysees. We were not really aware that our hosts had time for snacks in between the p'tit dej and the pause de midi.
But now it appears that the burger has overtaken the jambon beurre as the nation's favourite snack, and not just at McDonalds, but in sandwich bars everywhere. Naturally the gallic version is more gourmet than the Big Mac, but we at Taglines will still be taking our coffee and croissants for elevenses - we are not burger folk, gourmet or not.
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But now it appears that the burger has overtaken the jambon beurre as the nation's favourite snack, and not just at McDonalds, but in sandwich bars everywhere. Naturally the gallic version is more gourmet than the Big Mac, but we at Taglines will still be taking our coffee and croissants for elevenses - we are not burger folk, gourmet or not.
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Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Latest Library Lit news
Creating a forest garden
Bonjour ami-e,
Tu le sais peut-être, notre écolieu, l'Ecohameau de Verfeil (82), se lance cette année dans un grand projet : la création d'un jardin forêt.
Ce "verger" amélioré, conçu suivant les principes de la permaculture, nous permettra d'accroître la biodiversité du lieu, d'expérimenter, de produire encore plus d'aliments sains pour notre consommation, de transmettre notre expérience par le biais de visites pédagogiques et formations, et bien sûr d'embellir l'écohameau !
Pour faire fleurir ce beau projet, nous avons besoin de ton soutien.
Comment nous aider ? En participant, même modestement, à notre campagne de financement participatif : Création d'un jardin forêt à l'écohameau de Verfeil, lancée via notre association l'ASDEV.
Tout est expliqué en détails (et même en vidéo !) sur notre page Helloasso, le paiement est sécurisé et nous proposons également des contreparties alléchantes (graines, paniers, visites, repas...).
N'hésite pas à revenir vers nous pour discuter de ce projet, nous serons ravis de t'en dire plus !
Si le projet te touche, pense aussi à le partager largement car plus nous serons nombreux, plus il aura de chances de se concrétiser.
Mille mercis d'avance et à bientôt à l’écohameau.
Tu le sais peut-être, notre écolieu, l'Ecohameau de Verfeil (82), se lance cette année dans un grand projet : la création d'un jardin forêt.
Ce "verger" amélioré, conçu suivant les principes de la permaculture, nous permettra d'accroître la biodiversité du lieu, d'expérimenter, de produire encore plus d'aliments sains pour notre consommation, de transmettre notre expérience par le biais de visites pédagogiques et formations, et bien sûr d'embellir l'écohameau !
Pour faire fleurir ce beau projet, nous avons besoin de ton soutien.
Comment nous aider ? En participant, même modestement, à notre campagne de financement participatif : Création d'un jardin forêt à l'écohameau de Verfeil, lancée via notre association l'ASDEV.
Tout est expliqué en détails (et même en vidéo !) sur notre page Helloasso, le paiement est sécurisé et nous proposons également des contreparties alléchantes (graines, paniers, visites, repas...).
N'hésite pas à revenir vers nous pour discuter de ce projet, nous serons ravis de t'en dire plus !
Si le projet te touche, pense aussi à le partager largement car plus nous serons nombreux, plus il aura de chances de se concrétiser.
Mille mercis d'avance et à bientôt à l’écohameau.
Alice Guillon
No more “nous sommes”
I think you can tell I am more than distracted at the moment, which leads me to think I can write posts when I can and post things sent to me. Trying to remember the day the date never mind what week it is seems beyond me at the moment!!
Malc is back home and will have daily visits from the nurse for injections for the next 6 months so we are in an ongoing health situation. I will save time driving to Albi and back each day but will be donning my nurse and carer’s outfit.
Today we must sort out all the medication, what it is for and when to take it. Could take us some time.
Malc is delighted to be home and as we now have a wheelchair you may be seeing him about
Hi Val
Extremely lovable “rescued “ tortoise shell cat looking for a suitable new home. She is 2 1/2 years old. Spayed, micro-chipped and in excellent health. Her vaccinations are up to date. I am moving house to a very small 1st floor apartment with no access to a garden, and altho’ she is clean and can use a tray she is used to being outside during the day. She likes to come in at night for a cuddle & human contact. The apartment is too small for her and for my rescue dog who is still in need of training. She comes with her trousseau of basket, tray, food bowls etc. Her name is Motley. I hand -reared her from the age of 4-5 weeks and I am very sad to part with her, but I do not think she would be happy in my next home.
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