Sunday, 4 September 2016

nous sommes le dimanche quatre septembre

Tirez, pointez, boulistes à Montauban

The annual championship of France continues for dedicated petanque players in Montauban today. The tournament is for triplettes, ie teams of three players, each with two boules. This format is very unpopular with Taglines' regular Friday players, who prefer "doublettes", ie teams of two players with three boules, but is considered to be the most demanding by expert French players.
The tournament reaches its quarter finals today in the various categories and the 256 teams from all over France will be hoping for a prize.
Petanque is said to be the country's 10th most popular sport and its appeal is that almost anybody can take part, from the youngest girl players to the elderly chaps we see in all the local "boulodromes".
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