Last year we were so involved with refugees that we halted our apero Opera evenings. This year we are determined to put them back into the calendar, not just because they are such super evenings but because the 10 euros everyone pays goes to little children in Africa. Africa in each region has problems and Jean Marie is devastated at the problems for children in Bamako the capital of Mali.
Malc and I love children, they are our future, but some of these children are not even going to have a future without our help.
We can enjoy ourselves and still help which gives us all such a happy feeling( well actually everyone always leaves our opera evenings in tears! why so many sad operas?)
The next opera will be Wednesday 26th of October arriving here for 6pm.
We are still in discussions what the opera will be, some friends have the DVD of Carmen Jones, which they say is brilliant.
If you would like to join us here at Mas del Sol the opera will be confirmed in the next few days.
opera buffs