You know these mornings are more than just a book swap. They are a social occasion and friendly interchange, I so love them.
Today apart from regular friends we met Brian who this afternoon was signing for a house here( not Barrie who is thinking about coming) Bridge playing Brian will be back in a couple of months and it will be great for him to have met people today . We left him having a coffee with Roger Bowen after being introduced. He loved the swap and he will be back again over the winter.
Sylvie Gray and I had a talk and I was sad to hear that her Parkinson's was getting worse. She now needs a carer for night time. She asked if I knew anyone who could fulfiill this role. I was stumped,but maybe a reader can help?
I met Peter from Penne who takes the wonderful wild life pictures, hopefully he will keep us up to date with his findings and photographs, one of the many joys of the area, seeing who we share our back yard with.
Once again lots of choice in books and DVDs and also bags of books sent off to Festlitt for their grand book sale... cannot wait for that in October.
For us the next book swap as always the first Monday of the month in October will be the 3 rd
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