There are nine of us and after Malc and Tudor got back from a super concert at Selgues, we decided to go for a crepe at Lagarde Viaur . We passed through Najac which was heaving with an evening market, hundreds of people there. When we arrived at the creperie it was the same, not a spare seat in view and cars lining the forest road right down to the river.
Nice ambiance in Laguepie
A quick decision to go to the pizzeria in Laguepie, sent us off again with boys hungry and grumbling.
Pizzas all round, ( well they are not square are they?) Followed by scrummy desserts and every one ended up happy.
Back home for a late night swim in a lit up pool. Everyone enjoys this, especially the mosquitoes who are attracted by the light and juicy pizza and ice cream filled bodies.
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