The rain last weekend followed by the hot weather has led to a glut of the delicious fungi. At the market of Vaissac (82), which is renowned for the sale of
cepes, over 6 tons of cepes have been offered for sale this week, with prices falling to a record 8 euros the kilo.
Conkers are OK |
If you are tempted to join the many mushroom collectors, remember that you must have the authorisation of the landowner. If you are in a
foret domainiale you are free to collect produce, in communal forests only residents of the commune are authorised and in managed state woods there is a limit of 5 kilos. Penalties can be up to 75000 euros for organised unauthorised mushroom picking.
We have known neighbours who were warned not to collect walnuts or chestnuts from trees that seemed to belong to nobody.
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