Friday, 7 August 2015

Not everyone wants to fight

Carolyn has delivered a "lengthy" missive which I  am glad gives another point of view, TAG is news and views and I am sure readers have many diverse views.  I was suprised she thought  the migrants were cowardly men who should stay fighting for their country.
Could it not be these man have family to support in refugee camps and wish to earn enough money to pay to bring out family away from these terribly cruel, repressive regimes.

I agree that health care should be available, I assume that is what you are saying when you mention TB or rare bugs, they may have.
You say
We think of them as poor dears. They've been through so much... yada, yada,... who are they?

Yes, I  do have empathy for the poor dears Caroline, and am surprised that you do not.
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