Sunday 3 November 2013

Will this help Sethi ?

Looking at TAG just now and I read about Sethi. You may remember the case of a small boy, Anthony Nolan, who died of some kind of leukaemia for want of finding a bone marrow match. You may also already have thought of this, but they set up a trust to co-ordinate donors and recipients. We know that it's effective because a friend of ours had a donor from Germany and had enough bone marrow for two treatments. Sadly she died (too young, and so lovely) because they found that she had a chromosome abnormality that prevented it working. Anyway, maybe this will help little Sethi. Surely it isn't just a question money with the French health system being as good as it is?
Val says I will pass this on and hopes it helps, I think it is a desperate situation for little Sethi
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