Sunday 3 November 2013

We are not the only ones raising money for Africa

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Aside from adopting a daughter from Ethiopia and giving birth to another in Namibia, both Brad and Angelina have spent some serious time and money on causes in Africa. Angelina Jolie is a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and has been very active in that role since 2001, visiting more than 20 countries. Pitt is one of the founders of Not On Our Watch, an organization that tries to focus global attention and resources to stop and prevent genocide such as that in Darfur. In 2006 Angelina and Brad set up the Jolie-Pitt Foundation which has donated large sums of money to conservation groups, Doctors without Borders, and many others. In 2007, Jolie received the Freedom Award by the International Rescue Committee.

Val says  When we were booksellers often exhibiting in the USA  Brad Pitt became one of our customers. He was at that time building up a library of books on the Glasgow school and was very interested in Art and Architecture. A very nice young man who has beautiful eyes but more importantly cares about others in the world and empathizes with their problems. Keep up the good work Angelina and Brad and we will too.
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