Tuesday 5 November 2013

TAG music

Hi Val,

I think a label on TAG like this, will be good, showing concerts of all types planned in the near future - so often there is so much incoming info on TAG , concerts could easily slip into the depths of the site without everyone noticing.  It would be very useful for those with gites, too, to be able to click on a label and see what concerts are planned in the forthcoming weeks, and often there are plenty.

Regarding musicians, there do seem to be lots of accomplished musicians about - many keeping a low profile.  Perhaps Jazz and folk does not  attract all of them. - It is only a small part of the whole musical spectrum after all.  In any case you could maybe have a list of those who can play certain instruments and might be happy to "join in" with other like minded folk when opportunities emerge.  You could head the label "music" and lump the whole of it under that , and just see how much interest it attracts? 

x K
Val says  I will certainly give it a try as I certainly agree about concerts getting lost, later today if I get time