Friday 8 November 2013

Rosie learns about life.

Referring to the earlier graphic pictures:
the gestation period of a baby donkey is longer even that that of a horse and can be anything from 12 to 14 months.
Fortunately that scenario is unlikely to happen as I have had it confirmed by a friend with 8 donkeys that this happens with her castrated male all the time.
Every day there is something to learn about our animals, our hens may be chaste but one of our donkeys is not.
I suddenly panicked that I had put on the graphic pictures of  our donkeys but it is just life in the country and in truth one learns interesting facts all the time about animals. We would not want to see donkeys in frilly knickers or " y" fronts would we, seeing animals in the raw is nature.
Malc says Some Victorians even put trousers on tables as they did not want them to have bear legs. ( bare legs, funnier the other way)
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