With FiFi there’s no time to be bored
I didn’t expect, when I moved to France, that I would learn to make Sushi, knit some square for a blanket, go on a truffle hunt or even sing with others. The latter is particularly surprising since my voice would make even Gareth Malone despair, but the FiFi Singing Group doesn’t mind. We’re all in it for the pleasure it gives us.
Friends in France International (FiFi) is a social group for English-speaking women. Our activities are centred around St Antonin, Septfonds, Verfeil and Puylaroque, but we welcome members from further afield who are happy to travel to events. As well as weekly coffee mornings and monthly lunches, FiFi offers a wide variety of activity groups. These include three books clubs (one where we read books in French and discuss them in English), a Discussion Lunch Group run along the lines of an Auberge Espagnole, a Creative Writing Group and the popular What’s Cooking where we discover new recipes. Then there’s Photography,Gardening, Poetry, Diet and Fitness, Stitch ‘n’ Bitch, Genealogy and Local History as well as one-off events.
Some Groups, for example, Wine Tasting, Stargazing and our regular Quiz night are also open to partners.
Membership costs €15 a year and most Groups are free, except for the cost of any materials. But it’s not all fun. Members support and help each other in times of crisis, so you are never alone.
For more information and a specimen copy of our monthly newsletter, email Doreen Porter on secretary@fifi82.org.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com