Monday 4 November 2013

Newspapers around the world are full of the two French journalists killed, but not the Connexion

The English newspaper the Connexion which reports French news and which we all know is very good does seem to have made a policy not to report on French news if in Mali.
Every newspaper around the world has the tragic news of the murder of the two French journalists in Mali, but no mention in the Connexion on line.
I have queried with them in the past why they do not report happenings affecting the French community who go to Mali, politicians etc. but I did not get a reply.
Malc says perhaps it reports in the paper copy but I doubt it as I think it must be a deliberate policy. To me it seems very odd, do we want to know about all areas of French life, politics, and topics our French friends might discuss ? I certainly do, can you imagine someone saying " I know nothing about it, it is not in the Connexion"
Fortunately expats I know are far more intelligent and delving not to understand the politics of France includes what is happening globally.
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