Saturday 9 November 2013

My next post will be from the " ville rose"

Toulouse is known as "la ville rose" on account of all the lovely pink brickwork on the buildings, the river running through is the Garonne and my favourite shop is Fnac. I will be there looking at books, dvds and music and hopefully buying Malc his christmas present of a new tripod. He got the camera lens for his birthday but now he needs the tripod.
We hardly ever go to the shops now as we used to but just occasionally it is nice to have some shopping therapy.
We leave donkeys still cavorting in the fields, dogs smelling a bit better than normal as I have bought them a scented shampoo which is rubbed on ( probably make them roll in something horrid to get rid of the nice smell) cats which are never any trouble and the three hens which have settled down very nicely, but Scratch still likes her morning "hokey cokey"
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