Monday 4 November 2013

Email and satelite!

Hi Val,
I have a question for you and your readers; may be they could help!
I am fed up with our Meshnet connexion to receive emails, through a system called Wi-Max , an extension of Wi-FI. A costly decision made a few years ago by la Communauté de Commune de St.Antonin to subsidy "les zones grises" with no ADSL . It is sloppy, slow and fails once a month, 3 days this month.
Would anyone using satellite connexion to receive emails could give some advice?
Many thanks in advance!
I love reading your taglines when I am back in here.
All the best,
Etienne (de Salvagnac at Lacapelle-Livron)
Who can give Etienne, Vice President of Via Sahel enfants d' Afrique information