Tuesday, 3 September 2013

There is something appealing about a cat '' 3 pence short of a shilling.''

 Dear Val
 I am delighted that you have someone who might be interested in adopting
 Groschat. Unfortunately he is either 3 pence short of a shilling or hugely
 traumatised by his time on the run.
 Since he returned he spends most of his time under the sofa and has not
 ventured out of the room he has been given as his. The only time he met
our  own cat, a queen, she hissed and he vanished under the sofa for several
 hours. No question of him attacking her!
 So although he is incredibly friendly, in his own space, and we dont
really want to keep him at the moment we think he would have to go to a home with
 no other cats in it for his own happiness
 Any ideas on rehabliltating a cat welcome! We can only offer it love and
Val says I had suggested someone with a cat already might give him a try and keep him if he got on with her own cat, hence this response. Is there anyone who does not have a cat willing to spend time on loving, contact Ginny on      jenkins.ginny@gmail.com