Thursday, 18 July 2013

Those b..... accents [excuse the french!]

Hi Malcolm

One way to get autocorrect or spell check to recognise past participles is to type them in the feminine form e.g type "chargee" in your example.  Spell check will then ping the accent onto the first e and you can delete the second one - unless you intended the female form, e.g. la camionette qu'on a chargée.  Personally, I just use ALT130. 

The harder one is à, where spell check always seems to think you intend a, the present tense of avoir, 3rd person.  There ALT133 is very handy.  Same with ALT151 when you mean où rather than ou.  Have a good day.

One more to add to the list - when you want to say 16 = 4², or order 5m² of something, you can get the tiny 2 by using  ALT253 
Val says  Glad that is addressed to Malc,  Chris, as I struggle to understand it all. Perhaps Malc will explain when he comes back from the airport... but you may end up with or without accents depending on how much time I have. Certainly over the next 6 weeks very little, so apologies now for any accents missed, any spelling and grammatical errors ... and I can hear you all saying ''just like normal then"

Malc says  When using my computer I personally simply type in French using an azerty keybooard and use the number 2 key for é; 7 for è; 9 for ç etc. The zhole point qbout qccents(  - proble,s of typing English in azerty qppqrent here) is that there are no alt keys on Ipads, so some other method needs to be found. I think the methods suggested so far are much preferable to learning a long list of keyboard so-called shortcuts.

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