It will be a relief to many to read Meteo France's forecast that the heatwave will end today (Tuesday). Although the temperatures will still be hot for most of the day, there is an increasing risk of high winds, hail and heavy rain from this evening. For the next few days temperatures will be more breathable and there could be rain or storms, before a return to hot weather for next week (but temperatures around 30ºC rather than 35ºC+.)
Many readers will have noticed visitors dragging reluctant dogs (and sometimes children) around the towns and villages this week. The dangers to pets are well known but what to with them if you are staying in a B&B or hotel and you want to enjoy the area? Leaving them in the car is simply not an option. If they have to stay at home, closing shutters and curtains, making sure there is water to drink and there are shady corners for them to sleep is essential. Reluctant though we are to change our habits, early morning walks (ie before 7am) and afternoon siestas are good for us and best for our pets.
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