Saturday, 18 August 2018

Big plans for local tourism

Carole Delga, president of the Occitanie region visited this week St Antonin and the Abbaye de Beaulieu. Recognised as part of the Grand Site de Occitanie in the Bastides et Gorge de l'Aveyron, St Antonin has invested in various parts of the village to improve its touristic appeal to the thousands of  visitors and now there are plans to invest 5 million euros at Beaulieu in an effort to increase its annual visitor rate of  9000 by four fold over the next five years. Caylus will also have up-graded tourist information and visitor amenities.
The overall aim is to make Occitanie one of Europe's top ten tourist destinations with wider appeal than just its Mediterranean resorts and the access to the Pyrenees. We who live in the Gorges area know how beautiful it is - and we want our gites full (but still preserving our tranquillity).
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