Sunday, 28 May 2017

Unheard of: no more TGV?

SNCF is to phase out the name TGV over the next three years. As SNCF already owns a budget train service called Ouigo, a bus franchise called Ouibus and a car sharing or rental site called Ouicar, they have decided that Oui is to be used as the name to cover all their services, but the TGV service will actually be called "inOui".
The group believes that "oui" is essentially French, so that when other operators, including for example German railways, are allowed onto the tracks in 2021, consumers will know which is the French operation. The emphasis will be on service: wifi; bar; comfortable seats: conductors who smile (good luck with that...).
Some commentators have pointed out that the word "inouï" exists in French meaning "unheard of" so perhaps passengers will be expecting an exceptional level of service - all at no extra cost say SNCF.
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