Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Charlie Chaplin is not dead

Back home safely but only just!
As Malc has a bad knee making things difficult when you have an artificial leg we had booked the assistance  of a wheelchair at the airports. Heathrow was exemplary but when we got back to Toulouse.. nothing there for him, no wheelchair help.
Malc decided he probably could walk but it is a long way when one has one painful knee taking all the weight.
We got to near the baggage retrieval were there is an escalator. I went first followed by Malc, suddenly I heard " oh! sh*t " as Malc toppled down two of the moving stairs. He managed to right himself but I being concerned and having turned round to see if I could help, reached the end and was catapulted to the floor. Helped up by other concerned passengers, I felt such a fool but later after saying "I am fine , thank you etc." I admitted to Malc I had banged my hand and leg.
It made me cross as if we had received the ask for help it would never have happened.
Getting elderly is not much fun.
Sitting at home now I can see the funny side, it was a bit like a Charlie Chaplin silent movie but with swear words.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com