The papers, TV and radio as well as internet sites are all warning of canicule. There is of course an official definition: three days over 36C and three nights over 21C in our region. In case of canicule a number of actions are set in train by local authorities and those caring for the more fragile people - elderly, ill, newly born. You are allowed to inscribe yourself at the mairie to ensure they check up on you, but for most of us more practical steps can be taken.
Keep the house cool: close your shutters on the sunny side; create draughts with ventilators or aircon machines if you have them; drink lots of water (not so much beer!); dip in and out of your pool or the river or (if you are lucky) the sea. Go to shopping centres or supermarkets which are air conditioned (Carrefour at St Antonin will be packed with their fierce cooling). Wear at least a hat when you are out and cool clothes to prevent burning. And make the most of it.
suggestions to