Friday, 21 November 2014

A young man found dead in bin bags in his family home

Laurent Baca age 37 went missing in August  in Toulouse. After searching the gendarmes decided a house search was needed and found the man's body, shot with a pistol, buried under a new layer of cement. His wife has been taken in charge, the couple have 3 children. 
Who knows what the circumstances of this case are but if you are living with a bully...leave. The worst possible scenario could be something like this. It reminds me of the ongoing story of Nabilla who is in prison awaiting trial for assaulting her partner with a knife. Her mother claims she was in a abusive relationship. ( Nabilla is a beautiful young lady who won a reality TV show and up till the fight presented one)
In the hundreds reading TAG there is likely to be someone in an abusive relationship, physical or mental, statistics show it will not get better and you must  be brave and leave.