Sunday, 30 November 2014

River of chocolate at everyones favourite village

Dear Val and Malcolm,
I am sure the river is even higher than when we were there a couple of weeks ago, perhaps you could get some wellies for your Kingfisher.

When we canoed in the summer the water level in the river was quite low and we would occasionally get stuck on a partially submerged rock.   How things can change, here is a picture of the Moulin of Contillou with the river tumbling over the weir or déversoir.  This photo was taken close to everybody's favourite village, you guessed it: Laguépie.

Val says what you miss with photographs are the crashes and roars as the water pours and surges over the weir sweeping along everything the river can find in its paths, trees, branches, even once a dead bloated cow.
Malc says "what sound was the dead bloated cow making? " He is such a clever dick and I expect it was the sound of escaping air from the rear. So Malc says " it was jet propelled was it?
Sorry to spoil your post Nev.
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