Friday, 19 September 2014

Aubergine recipe 3

Dear Val,

You could try this, it's called 'zaaluk':

In a hot oven roast whole aubergines, tomatoes, red peppers and garlic.  When they are blistered and a little bit blackened on the edges, take them out if the oven and let them cool till you can handle them.

Peel off the skins, no need to be careful about keeping the vegetables whole, but save all the juices.

Roughly chop all the veg.  Mince an onion, with some more garlic if you like, soften it in a little olive oil, add the chopped veg and their juices, cook down till the liquid has reduced and concentrated. While it's cooking  down, flavour with salt, pepper, paprika, lemon juice, cumin to taste.

It's very good with lamb.


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