Sunday, 18 May 2014

Party night at Verfeil

Hello Val

Living as we do, right in the centre of Verfeil, we were somewhat apprehensive when Charlie and Co started their Music Night. Last night the village was heaving.  Even on a fete weekend there have never been so many cars.

The difference between here and the UK is that there is no fighting/shouting/screaming or pools of vomit after one of these evenings.  Around a dozen children playing in the Halle without finding it necessary to cry/scream/shout.  They actually talk to each other.  

This morning the road has been swept and any bottles or glasses that have escaped last nights cleanup taken away.  And a good night was had by all.

Well done Charlie and Co.

Val says  we thought  when we  arrived we had had never seen so many cars and struggled to find a parking place. I did not see you  both but did nearly come and give you a knock to see if you were in.