Sunday 13 October 2013

Whilst writing the post below I have had a "pet rebellion"

It was dark when we got up at 7.30am so I fed the dogs and inside cats and thought outside pets could wait till the sun rose. I sat  down with my breakfast reading and writing TAG, and as always time passes too quickly. Donkeys starting braying, cats started jumping on my knee and there was a bit of fracas between Max and Freddy to who won the favoured spot. Then dogs came pushing around  wanting attention, a quick stroke of them and then downstairs and  into the field to give grey buckets. Lots of pooh to be cleaned out of the new donkey shed so they had obviously overnighted in there. Nearly forgot to unlock and feed Penny the hen, then dashed in to say to Malc... I need  some news for TAG! Got upstairs to find the indoor cat bowls empty again as was the refilling tin and then remembered I had forgotten to feed the barn cats, so down I went yet again.
If I make mistakes,  is it any wonder, and I now have only 15 minutes before I must walk the dogs, but Malc will probably end up doing that as I over run.
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