Sunday 13 October 2013

Views 1024 yesterday and an average of 800 all week

The late evening views possibly could be our American friends but the hits are still coming from our friends in France. I do work at getting TAG's name out there for you the advertisers, the more people who look at TAG the more chance you have of getting a call. I am not  the only one promoting TAG. Becky in her blog of their family life in France has added the piece below and I give her my thanks. A very readable blog which I enjoy.

Have you seen our friends?!

You may have noticed a couple of friends pop up on our sidebar this week. I would like to take a couple of moments to introduce them!
When we first arrived in France we talked to people about advertising our businesses and finding out about what's on in the area. There were two words that almost everyone mentioned...TAG on-line. Computer on we searched for what has now become something we look at on a daily basis. Even my mum follows it back home in London, she often knows what is happening in the area before we do! TAG on-line is the most useful resource we have found for news and views in the local area. On it you can find our businesses Media Man 82 and Mini Monde, as well as other local businesses, we have been interviewed in their Face-to-Face section, they have been kind enough to put a link to our blog on their local blogs page. You can also find gardening tipsrestaurant reviews and so much more. Val who runs the site is a star and you will find her daily musings amisdt the posts of local info. I thoroughly recommend checking out the site if you are in the area, or even if you're just interested in finding out what is happening in the Tarn, Aveyron, and Tarn-et-Garonne areas of South West France!

Carpetman of Montauban  took my card when I met him in St. Antonin and said he would reprint it and pass it about. Many thanks for that Steve

Le Queryls will display my card to hand out
There are also cards to take away on the board at Simpy, I replace them on a regular basis.
Fifi in their newsletter will give me a mention each month.
Melange Magic, Evelyn Jackson has a really interesting blog favourite section which adds each new post which comes on and the time it was published. So this post will be on in about 2 minutes time.
Liberte des Anes give me a link on their website saying TAG gets 500 views a day, that needs updating.
The  Anglican Chaplaincy of Midi Pyrenees and Aude has added a link to TAG from their website
Debbie and John of Jardin des Espiemonts are always promoting TAG and have a link on their site
If you have promoted TAG please let me know
I also want to thank all of you for added input and added participation with "ticks" keep up the good work
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