Sunday 6 October 2013

The Green Tornado - what a touching story for WIT

By Jacqui James
She came into the cafe engulfed in her raincoat shaking off the droplets of water, glistening on the shiny green cloth.  Then, as if in slow motion, the droplets began to slide down the mackintosh until they joined the other watery jewels that were already turning into a dirty puddle upon the cafeteria floor.
The lady herself looked as if she was in her mid fifties.  She was overweight. Her hair was a whitish grey and cut short.  There had been an attempt at a “spiked” style but the weather had taken its toll and the majority of spikes now stuck to her head making her look unbalanced and slightly comical. There was a fierceness to her gaze but underneath that sat a sad and troubled woman. She looked lonely and without hope.  This projected fierceness gave rise to an invisible barrier, erected by her, but without her knowing.  This kept people away. But her eyes betrayed her, showing how much she yearned for company.
So, there she sat alone, hugging to herself her secret dreams of friendship and kindness.  However, she was not yet despairing.  She ordered her expresso and as she slowly drank it she dared to look, to watch, to wait, to hope.
But no, nothing, not this time.  Not even a glance her way.
So she stood up, adjusted her mackintosh and left alone. A huge tornado in green, who had been noticed by no one in the cafe on that rainy afternoon.
Val says  Well I will put it into the relevant "creative writing section" but I was so touched reading it I felt I wanted you all to read it as well.
What a lovely piece Jacqui, I want to meet her and be friends. If you  all do not tick enjoyed I will be amazed.
 If you have a piece of creative writing you would like to see published on TAG send it for approval to  
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