Sunday 6 October 2013

Well, I know you are all waiting to hear?

Was it egg on your face again Val?
Well no, it was 100 euros taken for those charities. A slow start made my heart sink but bit by bit you arrived and handed over or were coerced to hand over money for TAG charities .
Steve "Carpetman" came to pick up some bags of books we were donating for his shop to sell for the donkeys, and it was a pleasure to meet him for the first time and talk to his family, and good to hear his business is going so well.
So a slow start followed by a veritable rush and I had actually packed up when the last couple arrived to tell me they had come for raffle tickets.
Not only tickets sold but more offers of prizes for the raffle, which I will tell you about shortly.
I met Jean Marie of Sautou at the market  who also wants a book of raffle tickets to sell to his French friends, wonder what they will make of Christmas cake!
By the way I did have the same question posed to me as Malc had asked  "why the card in the hair?"
Does it make you smile? Well there is your answer.
Val says again   Looking at the picture again, you know what I like about it, the mixture of ages. Youngsters and oldsters living here in France.
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Margaret and David standing, seated Steve and young family, and the idiot with the TAG card in her locks, me.