Saturday 5 October 2013

That extreme right party wants us to stop calling it an extreme right party.

Party leader Marine Le Pen claims it is unfair for the party founded by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen to be lumped together with the likes of Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik and Greece's New Dawn party.
"We are absolutely not a party of the right, those who think that are making a total analytical error," Marine Le Pen said on Thursday.
"I'm considering seeking a judicial ruling that the description 'extreme right' is a pejorative term deliberately used to damage the National Front.
"For journalists to label the FN like this is unethical, biased and intellectually sloppy."
Since taking over as the head of the FN in 2011, Marine Le Pen has attempted to reposition a party whose image has long been closely linked to the personality of her father, target of a string of convictions for incitement to racial hatred and holocaust denial.
Her Father says the Party still has the same aims and convictions as when he was the leader
Val says -  Change your policies and we will stop calling it an extreme right party, simple really.