Thursday 10 October 2013

Solid structure could be used for many things

Someone has asked about our donkey shed. The wood which is treated pine cost 430 euros at the woodyard at Monteils. We had a cement base made ( otherwise with donkeys it is hard to clean out) and that cost about  200 euros. Then we are not handy folk so we paid a couple of men 800 euros to do the whole lot, floor and walls. What we have now is a large shed with a solid roof where we can store the small straw bales. We compared it with a shed we bought from a brico place about 5 years ago at a cost of  800 euros, then it had to be constructed by an artisan so another cost. To be honest a strong puff of wind could see it all tumbling down anytime soon. So which do you think was the better buy?
Behind the shed I am planning moving the hen and her house and then getting another 2 hens and possibly 4 quail.
I have been out tidying and moving straw today and said to Malc, ''to me this is so much fun, much better than baking cup cakes'' He replied rather sadly, '' I love cup cakes''
Malc has  just said ''now everyone will send me cupcakes and I prefer scones!'' In your dreams Malc.
Robin Johnston says 
Dear Val - re shed: add some diagonal bracing for wind resistance. Triangles are rigid, rectangles can be distorted easily unless the joints are VERY rigid.
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