Thursday 10 October 2013

Politics is relevant to our lives

After winning 6.4 million votes in last year’s French presidential vote, the far right National Front (FN) party could be set for another major step towards the political mainstream in next May´s elections to the European Parliament, a new opinion poll said.  ( Guess what the poll was? You know now an Ifop) 
One in four of the 1,893 voters questioned for the Ifop survey said they will vote for the anti-Muslim party led by Marine Le Pen that wants to radically curb immigration, pull France out of the euro and reinstate border controls.
Val says  It is so easy when I am out there in the fields, forking hay around  to forget that politics are relevant to our lives. In England it is much easier to keep abreast of things , much harder here in France with language comprehension and nuances. All we can do is try to keep " au courant"