Friday 11 October 2013

Graham with the van and Beryl

Hi Val, 
thank you for the introduction.  We are indeed the proud owners of la vaine (Paul the hairdresser's old house). We moved in April of this year and have had fun clearing the garden and decorating.  We are novices at gardening and pruning and after a scary incident with the biggest snake ever In our long grass, which was in fact a log, we are Winning.  We now know the best time to pick the plums, although many have fallen to become compost.  When to pick walnuts (the day before the squirrels), but sadly not the best time to pick the cherries, should have been the day before the birds!

We met our neighbour (rene the butcher from Carrefour) and more recently our direct neighbours who showed us pictures of our house when it was built in 1948, back then the family owned this house and next door which they used as a storage shed.  I did ask him about the boundary, he shrugged his shoulders and said from the rock down to the river, we have yet to find the rock! Hey ho......

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