Saturday 12 October 2013

Does honesty pay?

Dear Val

I'm glad there is something about this on TAG now.  We had our Tax form and it's gone up 274%  (yes......274%) we wrote to  Montauban to ask why this is......with a call back from them, you could almost hear the shoulders shrugging.......

We put in all our plans when we fixed up the house (and gite) and declared everything - nothing underhand here.....and we were given a huge hike from a "ruin status when we bought the house" to a "habitation status" three years ago, going up from euro200 + to just under 1k.  That in itself was bad enough.

Now, you work out the above % and it makes your eyes water.

Apparently the last three years they have been "kind" to us and now it's time to catch up.

I had assumed, they say incorrectly, that if you were rural (we're very) then you got a reduction to those living in a village or town, with amenities.  Never assume.  Unless the person on the other end of the phone didn't know what she was talking about - and that's what we are hoping.

We are also hoping that their numbers on our floor plans have been misinterpreted and we're trying to get it sorted out, but it's a shocker to say the least.  Watch this space if we ever get a refund or reduction.


Val says  I am sure we are going to hear more on this subject. Although we have a corps de ferme, we have two houses so have to pay tax on each one. One as I have said is 1,200 euros the other is 850 euros giving a sum of over 2,000 euros to pay. 
There is an exemption from part of the tax for the two years after the building work is completed (so could be up to three years), provided it is notified within 90 days of the completion. See Note 8 "Taxe Fonciere sur le Bati" on your Avis d'impot 2013
We remember getting phone calls  from the tax fonciere office to check if the house was finished so the period of grace could start. Like you it was a shock when we paid the bill after 3 years as it went from 140 euros in 2008 to the figure now. 
Good luck with your claim
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