Saturday 12 October 2013

Discussions about tax foncière

Lat night I was told by a friend that being over 65 we qualified for a reduction of 100 euros on our tax foncière, over 75 years of age we would be exempt. Now what this friend was missing here was the relevant amount of income we had. Anyone earning  over 10, 224 euros for the first person, if a couple 12, 954 euros, would not be eligible. So it would be the very rare person who would benefit. There is a very good explanatory article in Le Monde ( but it is in French)
The article also explains how the sums you are asked to pay are arrived at, and it is clear that certain people  who have lower tax foncières and lovely homes have simply not let the relevant people know of upgrades and the people who have ( our plans for the gite show 3 bathrooms) and our tax foncière is 1, 200 euros . If your house was built after 1970 it is assumed to have modern amenities. It is pointless saying but their house is bigger than mine and I pay more. It probably just means that "they" are paying the wrong rate. The tax foncière has gone up 20% in the last six years.
After saying all this we were told by the immobilier that when we bought our first house "Le Presbytere" the tax was too much on it. After we bought it we applied for a reduction and it was reduced by 200 euros. That was 12 years ago.
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