Friday 11 October 2013

33 gendarmes, 2 gypsies and a pig.

This is not a funny story infact quite a serious one but in the picture along side the article in the Depeche are 33 gendarmes, two gypies/ gitans and wandering around free in the picture quite unconcerned ... a pink pig.
This is yet another  story of  intimidation and humiliation of a gypsy camp this time at Castres. Reading the story 90 gendarmes where deployed to find thieves in the camp. Now come on 90 gendarmes, I did not know they had that many at Castres.
Malc thinks I should leave the story alone now,  but it is there in the Press everyday and I am just giving my view of it. One thing I know for sure is I would not want to be a gypsy in France at the moment.
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