Thursday, 8 November 2012

Llamas need walking.

We are new to your blog.  It is interesting and informative.  I saw that someone is asking for help with riding horses and wondered if we could advertise for help with llamas?  We have 3 beautiful boys that we would love to walk more but our business does not allow. 
Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
Janette Smith
Val says
No sooner said than done. Let us have details of where you live Janette then people who live nearby can contact  you if  interested.
Janette tells me she lives between Villefranche and Rodez in a hamlet close to Pradinas. 15kms from Rieupeyroux in the Segala. We are looking for someone with experience of larger animals and would not be fazed by putting on their halters and taking them off down the lanes. They can be a bit stubborn at times and like to take their time and look around but they are well behaved and adorable.