Saturday 10 November 2012

Just in time for Christmas.

It's all gone a bit quiet on the Astra 2F front lately. However, that doesn't imply anything's wrong. Indeed the satellite is up there in a temporary stationary orbit undergoing tests. It's actually at 43.5ºE (over the equator just off the Somalian coast south of Mogadishu) and when those tests are complete, it will be moved to its permanent position with the rest of the Astra 28 fleet at 28.2ºE. Why 43.5? Well it's a spare slot where new satellites can be tested across a wide range of different frequencies without interfering with existing transmissions from operational locations.
The testing could be completed any day now (Friday 9th November) so then will start the reports from the really keen guys out there who monitor such things. It could still be near to Christmas before Astra 2F begins transmitting for real.
Sent by Tony Coles
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