Sunday, 18 February 2018

These young people are our future

Yesterday our daughter stayed with Malc as I went with our granddaughters to visit our boys. 
Africans, Pakistanis, Afghans, youngsters from Henley on Thames.
They had their youth in common,  very little else, but with open minds and with open hearts all want to 
make the world a better place for everyone. One forgets how the young laugh, one of the reasons I enjoy
being  with young people.
The girls are always amazed how each house of boys insist you eat and drink with them and as always 
we left full of green tea and apple juice.
We were delighted to meet the new Afghan family, a couple with two children and two boys who were 
sons of the mans brother. We do not know family circumstances but we did discover they are a lovely family.
The beautiful young wife had a tiny week old baby born whilst they had been living on the streets in Paris.
I did feel this young girl needs some support from other young mothers. Her husband tells me she is missing friends 
and family in Afghanistan.
She is on a site at the moment with nearly 50 young men so a friendly womans face would be appreciated.
It is difficult to communicate with her except with smiles and gestures but that worked very well, baby talk
with a couple of babies there is never too difficult.
There is an office at the entrance to the site and the staff, Anais, Stephanie, Samy  and others will welcome 
your friendly visits.