Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Nous sommes le mardi vingt trois janvier

A windy chilly night but it is not raining this morning... yet.
Roll on tomorrow with some sun.

I had a brief meeting with our local Mayor in Varen yesterday about opening our second hand shop in the old mairie which is practically opposite the halle in Varen. I needed him to change his mind about
allowing us to store boxes in the building after each Saturday. The bureau had decided it was not worth doing if it was going to be like a vide grenier each Saturday carrying boxes in and out.
Amazingly I managed to get him to agree and as long as we tidy the room so it could be used for the odd card game or meeting we will be able to store small goods in a side room and at the back of the main room.
With any luck we will be opening on Saturday 3 rd of February. It will take us a while to get into our stride so opening in February which will be a quiet month will give us time to get ourselves organised.
I think from Easter it will be a busy site as the market in Varen does attract people from all the local villages.
With us all working together and the refugees helping doing the carrying we should be able to achieve a lot. Without the young men this would not work as they help me load things that are offered into the trailer and we have many exciting outings being stuck up single track roads, getting lost and lots of other adventures.
None of this works without your support, donate items, come and buy, offer to come and help French, English, Dutch, Belgians, Afghans, Africans, Welsh, Scottish, Australian, Germans, whatever your nationality with Mains Tendues 82 we are as one and work together.