Saturday, 9 December 2017

Nous sommes le samedi neuf decembre

Beautifully sunny morning, I am enjoying sitting in a warm house with the panorama of the countryside in front  of me. 
I love that view.
Lots of Christmas markets one at Caylus today, one at Verfeil tomorrow.

We are recovering from a late night last night after a film and dance fundraiser at Verfeil for the refugees of Verfeil and Bruniquel. The salles des fetes was packed with people and the boys had prepared the food mainly vegetarian. The film was watched by the Mayors of Varen and Verfeil amongst others,  a local group singing, occitane dancing then the group playing loud dancing music, which went down well with the young men.
I got a thank you from the Mayor of Varen for my work raising money and presenting the local school with a cheque for 300 euros as well as donating a freezer for the use of the commune in the Salles de fete. 
A great evening but we are tired today.