Thursday, 28 August 2014

Susan can store and Ginny can give to a shop at Puycelsi

Hi Val,
That's fine, just let me know when they want to drop them off - I'm here most days and am online a lot of the time working so it's easy to contact me either by email or phone.
Also if anyone runs out of books in between swaps they are welcome to come and have a rummage to renew/exchange their reading supply!
If anyone is driving back to the UK and have room they can arrange to come and collect what they can fit in too. 
Love Sue

Ginny says
In Puycelsi we have a wonderful second hand book shop which sells new and second hand French books and ephemera in its front shop but in the back shop is an enormous second hand book shop for French  English and German books. I would be very happy to bring books from St Antonin to here and pass them on if someone would keep them till I am next over - usually never less  than a week.  The shop  sell the better quality ones and those which are thought too old/too damaged to be sold are put in small crates in bars or other places round the village for people to help themselves to for free. Of course since we are a tourist hot spot these rapidly disappear. I suspect that somewhere in between they have an outlet via amazon or ebay but what is important is that this tiny shop is recycling books and providing employment in this small village which like everywhere in this area is an unemployment black spot. 

Val says We now have an acceptable answer and if we are giving employment to a black spot area all to the good. Can someone take the books to Sue Coombs where Ginny can then pick them up?
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