Tuesday 14 January 2014

Support local talent who are giving us entertainment

The Ecole de Piano at Arnac has popular free concerts. Every Sunday at 18h (6pm) a concert of popular classics will be given by Jean Paul and Anne Claire Carrere on their lovely 1913 Ibach grand piano.
 Next Sunday it will be Chopin waltzes
The house is in the centre of the village on the main road at Arnac, if you like piano music beautifully played why not go and enjoy.


Val says  At Arnac near Varen are a young talented French couple .
They are doing their best to make a living in a very difficult market but doing it in a way that they give pleasure to us all.  Please, all you who are in choirs and support music events  give this couple some support with their piano recitals. Malc went last week and said it was a charming evening but a shame there were so few in the audience, can TAG alter that for the couple ?
comments to taglines82@gmail.com