Tuesday 14 January 2014

Building works in progress

No not us thank heavens, been there done it, got the scars: never want to go there again.
Last night we were invited to Dutch neighbours for aperos, they are and have been in the process of renovating their old farm for the last two years, and at least another two to go. The other invited guests were the new French neighbours and their friends who are the owners of the male donkeys. Conversation was difficult although we discovered Lucas our young neighbour spoke faltering English. I said "but I did not know you spoke English" his reply "but you speak French, you and Malc,  so I never need to." Quite gratifying that, so I must be making progress. The Dutch neighbours speak more English than French but it can all lead to lots of misundersandings and lengthy explanations, but we all had a laugh and some fun.
Interestingly Johan said he would make sure not to bring the dogs again when trying to catch the donkeys, so he has learnt something.
The couple told me that their dog, one of the totally mad ones, had been lost for a year and they had just got him back, all thanks to   www.chienperdu.org      This has got to be your first port of call after local searches if you lose your pet.  It is also a cautionary tale to make sure your pet is chipped, their dog was not. He had been taken in by a farmer at Villefranche, but after a year the farmer got fed up and called a dog refuge to place him there. The refuge then traced the couple going back through the posts on the dog lost website.
If you are reading this Julie and Frank, thank you for a good evening.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com