Sunday 12 January 2014

My partner slept sound in our double bed last night but where did my other loves sleep?

No need to ask where Malc slept last night but the donkey chums are a different story. I was out at 7.45 am, as it was getting light, the outside cats were there waiting, the hens were there but the "cabane /hut" where the donkeys sleep was empty. Now they could have slept in the far hut and when they have lots of new grazing they do not need their "grey buckets" and hay supplement... but it is a pact we have. I want to see them on a morning to check they have no problems, cuts or injuries. I watch how each donkey is walking to make sure they have no stones or thorns in hooves and the contact is important also for socialising reasons.
Malc and I will give the dogs their morning early walk up to the fields and woods to check them out and can I have you all crossing your fingers that they are somewhere in a clotured / fenced area.
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