Sunday 12 January 2014

Training pays off

Some of you may have spent a relaxing morning shopping and browsing at St. Antonin market, not me.
Malc and I walked the dogs up the road and then I picked my way through part of the fenced wood shouting my girls. Distant heehaws starting getting closer and closer till the girls came galloping up to me, what treasures they are.
As we walked back we met Johan the owner of the two boy donkeys with  his marechal ferrant / blacksmith.
The picture above shows how it was done, those grey buckets are buckets of gold in situations like this. In the dark coat with  black hair is Johan, the other guy the marechal ferrant and you would now recognise  me  in that brown disreputable donkey coat.
You see I cannot cook but I can look after donkeys now.
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