Sunday 12 January 2014

Do you know where your partner is?

What difference a week makes. Only on Monday, Valérie Trierweiler, France’s informal First Lady, recently back from Africa where she had been handing out French aid subsidies to selected charities, was hosting an exclusive private screening of Yves Saint Laurent, the acclaimed biopic on the late couturier produced by his influential partner, Pierre Bergé.
At the cocktail party that followed, where la Gauche caviar — fashionistas, Vogue Paris editors and cabinet ministers — mingled under the gilt ceilings of the Élysée over champagne with a few handpicked political journalists, the president’s elegant partner distilled confidences amid the air kisses.
That was then. Now, after Friday’s claims, backed by apparent photo evidence in the gossip magazine Closer, that President François Hollande had been two-timing her with an actress almost a decade her junior, Ms Trierweiler is pondering her options from the safe haven of a friend’s flat elsewhere in Paris.
And yet it is possible that Mr Hollande may shy away from taking a final decision over what to do about his women between now and Tuesday.
In which case Ms Trierweiler may face the harshest choice of them all: whether to go back to the Elysée under the nation’s mocking glare, despite her partner’s betrayal, or to throw to the wind everything she has built in the past decade. She may yet regret having treated Ségolène Royal so badly.
Taken from an article in the Telegraph
Val says  Surely partners, even of politicians must know if one is playing away, nights spent in someone else's flat, surely would make you enquire " where have you been?" or is it such a different lifestyle. Apparently for a few years whilst we were all seeing Segolene with Francois, he was already living in a flat with Valerie. What a comic farce!