Friday 4 October 2013

Parisot Literary Festival

Dear Val,

I wonder if you would kindly post up a reminder about the Parisot Literary Festival, an exciting event that will take place 11th-13th October – only a week away!

We have an excellent line-up of both French and British authors. The full programme is on our blog, (in French and English).

A number of people have asked me if you need to book or pay for the author sessions/talks. The answer is no, just turn up – AND they are free.

However, we need to know numbers if you want to attend Céline Wagner’s workshop in French on Sat 12th Oct to learn how to write a French cartoon book (see contact details below).

Also, we still have a few places left for the dinner with the authors on Saturday 12th October at l’Auberge de La Castille in Parisot at 7.45 pm. There will be an aperitif beforehand at the Salle des Fêtes, Parisot, to which everyone is welcome, at 7.00 pm.

The meal is 20 euros, which includes three courses, wine and coffee. Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment. Booking is via:

Phone – Parisot library 05 63 27 75 79

Venez nombreux!
Vanessa Couchman