Wednesday 9 October 2013

Oh no, yet another Frenchman added to "my hate list"

The list is not really a hate list more a list of people I really would not like to know. You know that high on the list is DSK, well nuff said on that subject.
Then there is Gerard Depardieu, who in early films is great but in later life thinks  he can behave as drunkenly and indecorously ( is that a word, anyway I mean without decorum.) as he likes. He may like but nobody else does, I am thinking of the peeing in the plane aisle incident.
Now comedy actor Alain Delon has gone and thrown his lot in with Marine Le Pen, even though he lives in Geneva at the moment. Got something against immigrants has he, well googling him, his own past is not that glorious. He was kicked out of several schools because of unruly behavior and  of his four years of military service he spent 11 months in prison for being "undisciplined". In 1956, after being dishonorably discharged from the military, he returned to France. 
Unfortunately his opinion is going to mean more in voters eyes than an English woman writing TAG.
But he is definitely on the list.
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